English, Russian



Work experience

  • General director, Gardabani Thermal Power Plant Ltd., 10.2019 – 06. 2022
  • General director, Georgian Gas Transportation Company 02.2018 - 10.2019
  • Head of Administrative Department, LEPL financial-analytical service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, 01.2011 – up today
  • Chief Specialist of the Monitoring and Internal Control Division of the Internal Audit Department, Ministry of Finance of Georgia, 05.2010 - 01.2011
  • Chief Specialist of the Inspection and Financial Monitoring Division, General Inspection – the State subagency of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, 07.2008 - 05.2010
  • Specialist of Methodological Division of the Methodological and Informational Support Department, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission, 10.2007 - 07.2008
  • Specialist of Methodological Division of Legal Department, Ministry of Energy of Georgia, 07.2007 - 09.2007
  • Lawyer (intern) at “MJO” LLC " Nodar Mchedlishvili Law Office 05.2006 - 07.2007


  • Georgian Technical University, Georgia, 09.2002 - 06.2007 Lawyer, Master in International Law
  • Academy of the Ministry of Finance, 08.2014-08.2014 Drafting and reviewing the budget projects
  • Academy of the Ministry of Finance, 12.2013-12.2013 Projects management
  • Academy of the Ministry of Finance, 08.2013-09.2013 Methodology of program budget preparation
  • Civil service bureau, 07.2013-07.2013 E-GOVERMANCE
  • MUK Training Center, 05.2012-05.2012 ITIL Service Design
  • MUK Training Center, 11.2011-11.2011 ITIL version 3 Foundation Examination
  • Energy Regulators Regional Association, 05.2008-06.2008 Introduction to Electricity Markets